Service Level Agreements
We are committed to providing ongoing support for our applications. All calls and problems are allocated with a severity code based upon their impact to the customer or user. Severity codes are used to prioritise problems to gain correct focus, to set target times for recovery, set thresholds for escalation and measure performance against the Service Level Agreement. Achievement of many service level targets is dependent on an up-to-date Business Continuity Plan and the Dependencies identified within, along with relevant third-party hardware/software/service support agreements and SLAs. The initial severity code is requested by the customer and reviewed by Hosted at the time the problem is logged on the ticketing system.
Severity Guidelines
Customer may report any errors they encounter by submitting a ticket through our support tool. Critical or High errors can be escalated by contacting the assigned customer service office or product manager directly. Our Product Manager and Product Owner will prioritize the reported bugs to ensure prompt resolution.
Definition of Severity

Mode of Support

Customer may report any errors they encounter by submitting a ticket through our support tool. Critical or High errors can be escalated by contacting the assigned customer service office or product manager directly. Our Product Manager and Product Owner will prioritize the reported bugs to ensure prompt resolution.